Freitag, 9. September 2011


Another thing to explore in Germany: Erdställe, or ancient underground tunnels with an unknown purpose. (I wonder if they're like the tunnels I saw in Cappadocia, Turkey, that early Christians built to hide in.)

(Image source here.)

3 Kommentare:

Omgirl hat gesagt…

I've never even heard of those. Where are they?

Oh, by the way, I was struggling for a German word today. Maybe you can find someone who might know. What would a German call "plains" as in the Great Plains? I was trying to write to my Germany x-host family about the pioneers crossing the plains and I couldn't think of the right word for it. Any thoughts?

Michelle Glauser hat gesagt…

Try "Präriegebiete im Westen der USA": I got it from, the best German-English online dictionary ever!

sommergarten hat gesagt…

Although I have been inside such underground tunnels a few times, I have never heard of the word "Erdställe" (Maybe this is Sächsisch?) We say "Stollen" or "Tunnel" or or "Katakomben". But "Erdställe"?? ;)

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